It is now well known that concussions can occur in a sports environment, with high incidences reported in football, hockey, soccer, etc. However, athletes are not the only people that can be affected by this brain injury.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters cerebral function. This type of injury can be the result of a direct or an indirect impact to the head, resulting in a rapid movement of the skull-brain complex. When it comes to car accidents, every collision that creates a sudden movement/jerk of the head or neck, whether the movement be big or small, can result in a concussion.
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The support staff surrounding an athlete can vary, but usually includes the following elements: a school or sports association; coaches; parents; volunteers; a medical team; referees; managers. During a sports activity, the primary role of the medical staff is to ensure the health and safety of all participants, however, each member of the support staff plays an important role in injury prevention, including concussions. Therefore, we would like to present the first of a series of articles regarding the role of the support staff, beginning with: ? the coach's role in identifying and managing a concussion.
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“Kids should not be allowed to play contact sports.”
This statement will most likely bring about strong emotions and varying opinions, particularly among athletes, their parents and families, coaches, sports medicine professionals, researchers…
Are Dr. Omalu’s recommendations well founded and justified?
Although research does demonstrate an increased risk of concussion or children participating in contact sports, is putting an end to contact sports in youth athletes the best solution? We asked several members of the sports community to share their opinions with us!
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Although research does demonstrate an increased risk of concussion for children participating in contact sports, is putting an end to contact sports for youth athletes the best solution? We asked several members of the sports community to share their opinions with us!
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Participating in physical activity provides great benefits to children, teenagers and adults. Whether it be participating in soccer, running, football, volleyball, cycling, rugby, tennis...physical activity is necessary to maintain physical and mental health. This participation does lead to potential risk of injury, including sprains, strains, and concussions. Certain sports present an increased risk of concussions, for example, high contact sports (martial arts, boxing, football, rugby, hockey, soccer...) and sports with increased heights and velocities (cycling, ski, gymnastics, cheerleading…). However, a direct or indirect impact to the head can lead to a concussion in sporting and non-sporting environments. Therefore, how can we decrease the risk of a concussion? Although it is currently impossible to participate in an activity with no risk of injury, here are 7 C.E.R.E.B.R.A.L. ways to protect your child’s brain!
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A concussion results in the presence of signs and symptoms (ex: headache, dizziness, and blurred vision) following a direct or indirect impact to the head. In most cases, symptoms disappear within 7 to 10 days, however, in certain instances, symptoms can last for several weeks or even months. When you believe that you have suffered from a concussion, an immediate evaluation from a qualified healthcare professional who is trained in the management and treatment of mild traumatic brain injuries is necessary in order to favour an optimal recuperation. What professional should one consult?
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